Blog Etudes Augias English

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Eolic challenge

Obama challenged for eolic energy in the world. England and France would have the duty to aid him. For interest of same Europe.

The third industrial revolution

It is already under way, also if timidly, some years ego and it is founded on four structural fields of worldly economy.
1- Electric transport on rail and on water of every kind. Air transport is useful over thousand miles.
2- Alternates energies, solar and Aeolian. I have always some doubt on about the nuclear. Ecologic calamity caused by petrol says clearly that human error, frivolity and indifference are inevitable. A nuclear catastrophe should be again more terrifying.
3- Communications online shall change the world. All peoples shall be able to communicate and each single man shall be able to receive communications “on demand”.
4- Agriculture only shall be able to resolve problems of third world : Africa,, Latin America, Asia. America and France , two Countries very advanced in agriculture, shall have to present and to lead the big projects.
Manufacture cannot be structural , but it shall be useful like corollary .
Projects shall be necessary very big and consequently multinationals with mixed capitals public and private.

New structure and natural catastrophe

It needs a new structure of towns and country. Totally in Italy , a good part in Europe. Before all a geologic study. In order to face or avoid seismic and volcanic zones and coast as target of sea-quakes and hurricanes.
It needs understand that natural catastrophes became always with the same frequency and intensity. They aren’t an embitterment of our days. One of Apocalypse’s riders represented destructive powers of Nature.
It needs also understand that such great natural movements are signs of vitality of our Planet that, being alive, it can offer hospitality to humanity. At contrary our Planet should be a desert without guests like Moon, Venus and Mars.
The new structure lies in facing these problems and also in avoiding ambient dangers that we know. Examples of new structure already exist in various Countries. It needs only to copy them.
To this purpose other blogs shall follow. However some blogs have been already published and they are still topical and valid.

Advanced technologies

Examples of advanced technological works already exist in the world. There isn’t that reproduce them.
Please to think to Japanese aerial viaducts or to American elevated roads with infinity of lanes. Please to think to RER of Paris, to most various sources of energy and to infinites technological applications in agriculture industry and services. Please think to infinites developments in the telecommunications.
But it needs reproduce them in anywhere they don’t exist. Always in a multinational program.

Acreage- an example of liberal-socialism

Each year American “Secretary to agriculture” fixes acreage for each produce (cotton, mail, soy
And other) proportionally distributed between the agriculturists.
Each agriculturist , after, in the ambit of acreage received, can develop his production either quantitatively or qualitatively.
This is an example of liberal-socialism interdependent in a Country which , to only word “socialism”, would mobilize the National Gard.

Multinational programs are indispensable

Algeria already placed solar panels on Sahara. Please try to think to how many million of solar panels it is possible to put on the Sahara., Please also try to think to how many million of gigantic fauns it is possible to place on Cape Horn where stormy is usual. It needs also add infinite miles of cables for transporting and distributing energy.
Please try to think.

Multinational states for work’s programs

In our age the State is the only real and concrete interlocutor of workers. The State must project the big works. For example ,m the high speed from Lisbon to Vladivostok.
At such a point the State cannot be a national State. Italian State would have a sense ? At minimum we should speak of Europe , if it exist. Or of anglo\american empire, which exists. With all their associated of all continents., A thing is sure. Globalisation needs of big directional centres against in utility of local powers. Multinational State couldn’t accept any obstacle.

Full employment like base of economy

News bulletins of Switzerland communicated that this Country ,sole case in the world, realized near full employment . Consequently it can to begin the talk on economy that, as a matter of fact, can begin only from full employment. Without full employment a talk on economy cannot have a sense.
In the past time capitalism controlled the unemployment in order to maintain low the wages. Today this behaviour should be criminal. Consequently full employment isn’t only an economic fact but also a moral fact. In fact new technologies increased needs of goods and services at point that it is possible work, as already said, for at least fifty years. Also funds would be guaranteed. Please think to fiscal shield and to washes of public administrations. Some time ego local administrations were gratis because title of prestige like at the time of Greeks and Romans. Today there is a rush for the salary from side of men idlers that have neither art nor part. Trial is degradation of villages and towns.
Level of unemployment is now a real crime against humanity and a serious Parliament should legislate.

700 thousand downloaded books

700 thousand downloaded books in italian language downloaded in 150 Countries. After Italy and USA ranking is leaded by Russia and China. Russia introduced italian language in the schools. Downloaded books concern philosophy letters history and theatre-poetry for bibliography university thesis.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Three million of out of work, while there is sure work for fifty years

During the time of industrial army employer was only interlocutor of workers, usually in conflicts with these. Class struggle at the shadow of two opposite ideologies: socialism and liberalism.
Technological revolution of our age, not only still alive but with unexpected developments, transformed and keeps transforming the old social order. Industrials hosts don’t exist anymore and surviving battalions are much reduced. It is the birth of various forms of independent word or of little groups. Big companies of transports and of energy shall be obliged at forms of cooperation up to inevitably forms of association.
The State, as only responsible of work program and only financer of economic structures of base, shall be interlocutor of these new worker.
Inside this programs there will be surely the private initiative. Socialism and liberalism shall laws their connotation of the nineteenth century. Not only they shall not in conflict but at contrary they shall be interdependent like History and Moral in the new new humanistic culture. Liberal-socialism becomes as a matter of fact, the ideology of our age without contraposition of another ideology. The real obliged opposition shall be tax evasion, corruption, organised crime, terrorism, religious and racist fanaticism and also nationalism and local nationalism today not only absurd but ridiculous in the global war.
Before to enter in all such problems, I can advance that Italy has three million of out of work but, at the same time, it could have fifty years of sure work and also money to finance.
To this purpose several blogs shall follow.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Appendix to the blog “In the name of Matteotti and University of Michigan” of May 1, 2008

With reference to the blog like the title ,I would specify that names of command of 207 Brigade Matteotti indicated into the book “Nel nome di Matteotti” edited by Franco Angeli Editore, derive from wrong informations.
I sent online unother bgook titled “Quei ventenni del ‘43” in which are specified the real names of Command that are as follows:
-Telmo Ferrario-commandant
-Bonisolo Marino (Romeo)-vice-commandant and politic commissary.
The Brigade was divcided in Detachments with a commandant and a vice-commandant.
I was vice-commandant of Detachment 212 of which Emilio Stanoppi was vcommandant.
It needs to remember that Brigade 207 freed from Germans the little town of Gallarate.
In my “pièce” of theatre-poetry “Generation betrayed and moral’s birth “ some poems are dedicated to this story.

The new industry

Today manufacture, textile or mecanic, is monopoli of third world and of under-developed Countries. When such Countries shall arrive to most high le3vel of ndevelopment , generations of that time shall be obliged to invent a new away to lead this work.
In order to aid humanity , it is not possibile to think sufficient the work of third world.
For worldly peace it is necessari t ogive a little of wellfair to all peoples.
Developed Countries must at contrary engage themselves in search and production of super-technologies not only for themselves but also for all the world.
It becomes necessary a work of general and new construction.
Many towns and countrysides are too old . They can die or esplode.

Agricolture and technologies

Sixty years ego the “Marche” (italian region) were a burne grownd without life. Now it is a picture of Cezanne .
Technologies applied to each stage of agricultural production made a miracle. It isen’t a miracle , but a method to be divulgated specially in the third world. Itr should be a care for misery of humanity.
America and France hold the powerful agricultures of world. It i sto them divulgation of technologies. It is known that the most part of irrigation’s systems is french. I constatated it, some years ego , in the”Porte de Versailles”, one3 of the most important agricultural fair of world.
But engagement for the third world is not sufficient. Each Country must develop at maximum technologies of its own agricolture in order to increase its production.

Bicycles in the town and cars outside the city

Parkings of bicycles are spread anywhere ion the town . Bicycles of municipalities are availables without expenses for ncitizens that can use and place them on arrival.
Everybody knows that workers of London and Paris go to work by bicycle.
Half of streets of towns and quarters is occupied by rails and the other half by cycle tracks. On the two sides pavements for pedestrians .
Cars are rarely present . They are reduced at necessary minimum. In interior, in the first morning, for downloading goods , in exterior for services and essential freights. A definitif stop to jams of avenues
Now Japanes are p5roducing on worldly level electr4ic batteries in oirder all motors are in the future electric , giving aq goodbye to pollution.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

For the future town

In a world always more global it becomes inevitable transformation of social structures. The world, which shall come aut of actual crisis , shall be different from what provoked it. At contrary
it shall birth death.
Transformation becomes inevitable in those Countries which have experienced politic classes. Some of them are already on the right road .
Our blogs have the purpose to explain subjects on about structures, which must be transformed , in order to create an organic project.
We have already put online blogs on about buildings, quarters ,rails, tram , trains , alternate energy, ideology of our age a.s.a. Other blogs shall follow.
Consequently I invite all interested web-sites to link one-other4 in order to cooperate for realizing project.

G8 and L’Aquila - Augias Comment

Earthquake victimes of L’Aquila hoped ,maybe, that powerful men of Earth, assembled in their town for deciding destinies of world , would decided also , in that particular occasion, to give some aid to people which lives in a tent and, lost the work, lost also means for support himself.
At contrary the news has been that powerful States of world had no power of deciding.
Why , consequently , such meeting if such powerful men don’t deciding nothing ?
One can also ask why Press and Television continued to speak on about this meeting of men without power.
I don’t understand also popular protests if powerful men can’t decide nothing. Protests against what ?
I can only understand protests from side of earthquake victims .
Meeting of L’Aquila revealed to be a vanity fair which offends poverty in which it happened.
It is eight years that all the world repeats that G8 is dead. Only Italian politics and journalists don’t know it.

Monday, July 06, 2009

English rage and Europe

English rage obliged Europe to make its first politic act really as European Union. *It damned without appeal the terrorist of Teheran and his boss Kameney.
We hope that such an act has a continuation due to France and Germany have immediately approved English rage making in the fact about an hypothesis of a Directory like lead of entire Union.
Verum ipsum factum, one makes things making them, and this hypothesis would constitute the concrete beginning of a finally politic Europe.
Unfortunately this is only an hypothesis and not a fact. Transition by hypothesis to a fact implicates intelligence.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The tram under home - Augias comment

When I was little boy, Milan dwellers said to have the tram under home. In anywhere they should go they knew by heart the number of each tram and its destination. There was a number for each destination from somewhere point of the town one could leave. There was not destination without number. And one left from under home.
Today please see corso Buenos Aires or via Dante or corso Vercelli and the road for Giambellino, corso Lodi and all the roads for suburbs.. Goddard made a film on terrible suburbs of Paris.
Billows of cars thickened like the multitude of manifestations of mass with high crests of smoke.
Now Milan dwellers say that not even Uraja, that nullified Milan for five centuries , would be successful to reduce this town like now.

Rails ad communications

Trams and rails also in the most remote angles of town. A capillary diffusion of rails and trams. The RER, i.e. underground, to connect various quarters and for going directly to suburbs. Aerial viaducts (they abound in Tokyo) for the loading and downloading in the various quarters. Railways ramified in al directions with left from all quarters for commuters and a railways of high velocity for long distances. Airplanes are useful over two thousands kilometres. Airports must be reached directly from each quarter through underground or railway. Cars must be parked out of suburbs utilized only for that railways cannot serve.
Towns and quarters are green sides for pedestrians and bicycles offered by towns to citizens and parked anywhere.
These are communications in and from any town.
Production of cars must be strongly reduced. It must be substituted by trams, railways in a strong way.

Buildings and quarters

The buildings must be settled following rules regarding:
- antiseismic exigency
- energy saving
- use of new energy sources (solar panels a.s.a)
- the “buildings” named “popular” must be cancelled also into dictionary.
The same building, anywhere it is, can contain either luxury or economic abitations.

Banks and similar institutes must be located at first floor (like in St. Germain). The ground floor must be reserved to “lumières” of shops and public services.
Like in historic centres, in each quarter must b e locate a great square with theatre, auditorium and premises. In other words, quarters must be equipped as historic centre, must be settled like real towns inside of a great metropolis.
Los Angeles offers an example. As I said elsewhere, connections between quarters must be easy in order to favour cultural exchange and of services. “Ça va sans dire” that the green can’t have limits.
One can conclude that a town as explained in my blogs, Can easy guarantee security of citizens because offers crucial spots with capacity of large control.

Alternate energy

Japan settled, with rules over said, 90% of building patrimony leaving from ‘50s. Practically half century of work. The same thing should happen in Europe, particularly in Italy.
But, at the problems of building, of town-planning, and of communications it is necessary to add that of alternate energy.
Algerian State covered with solar panels a zone of Sahara producing electric energy. It invited Europe to make the same thing. Anybody wishes produce electric energy in the Sahara can have concession by Algerian State. Italy could make so through ENI and ENEL.
Energy must be transported and the transport is another work to add to production.
Consequently petrol’s production would be reduced with advantage for surroundings.
These new energy should bring benefit to entire planet.

Fans and wind energy

Fans, one says, offend panorama.
At contrary it seems that America filled Arizona of fans. Maybe Arizona don’t have a nice panorama. But world is large and certainly there are places where it is possible not to offend panorama.
Because wind energy is an important possibility of which it is necessary to take care.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Iranian crisis

A solution, usually realized by dictatorships, is a bloody repression. So it happened in Budapest and Prague at the time of Sovietic Union and in Tienamen square in China. But such States were rocks and a foreign help put in danger worldly peace.
Today Iran is an isolated State. Other than some little State of no importance, it has no allieds. As a matter of fact it is a terrorist State allied only with terrorist organisations.
Repression is possible but it would be a trial of “bètise” that not guarantees in the long run régime’s duration.
The imposing dimension of popular demonstrations suggests to think that56 there is a crack also at the top of power. Arrogance of Kameney and of his “Gauleiter” aren’t a danger only for peace of world, but also for Iran itself.
It is possible that such a danger is under the eyes of committees which control Country’s policy. There is a force faithful to actual leadership. But there is also a national army which could favour the moderate part of power.
Wisdom suggest that two parts find a point of balance.
The risk is not only the civil war, but the possibility of a serious danger in the entire middle-east region.

Teheran june ‘09

The demonstrations of Teheran and of the most important towns of Iran (Isfahan a.s.a.) are a collective example of that I definited,in other writings, “freedom ‘s desperation”.
Electoral riggings are only a pretext. Exigency of a multitude really impressive is freedom,individual and collective, to oppose to a fanatic dictatorship, clearly drawn up against peace in the world.
Such demonstrations aren’t like those of ’79 leaded by Komeiny. At that time there was an absolute religious power against the absolute laic power of Reza Pavlevi. There was also the cold war.
Today the purpose is freedom, is democracy that a theocratic power want to deny.

Ideology of our age - Augias comment

The ideology of our age ,expressed by new humanism and that is perfectly suitable to global world, is only one.
The positivist world produced principally two ideologies that, one against the other, were the basis of historical dialectic: liberal and socialist ideologies.
Our global world verified that liberalism without rules was savage and denied itself, i.e. was a liberalism without freedom. It verified also that socialism, what produced social progress, results now not sufficient. It is a matter of fact.
Social conquests and structural interventions of the State stay embalmed, unusables, if they are not accompanied by those infinite individual initiatives that progress of technologies produced in a society now not only agricultural and industrial, but principally of services.
Technologies reduced agricultural and industrial wor4kers and created an infinite number of new jobs.
The liberal-socialism so results to be the sole ideology suitable with new humanism, with our age, with global world.
What, consequently, could be opposed to this ideology due to History’s basis is a dialectic that repeat itself without end?
Opposition is represented by negation of this ideology, that Sartre called alienation of freedom. And there will be many negations because “il y a les hommes sauvès et les hommes de l’Enfer”. And “les homes de l’Enfer”, that don’t accept freedom and justice but want only privileges and power, always will exist because their arrogance is part of their nature.
The real historical conflict is a moral conflict because Moral,Sartre said, is interdependent with History.
In any case , in the long run, , arrogance always shall be beaten.

For a cultural tourism

I always considered cultural tourism like a verification “on the ground” of that one learns historically on the books. This particular tourism should have consequently a good assistance particularly by the Tour operators.
At contrary we ascertain this activity to be in crisis. Particularly Italy, which has more than half of cultural goods of the world, is classified at 28th place, i.e. one of the last.
At contrary the eatable tourism has advantages and privileges.
My try to give a hope to this cultural activity is surely difficult but I receive many solicitations to this purpose from side particularly of students and teachers that would like yearly trips for entire classes of Secondary schools and Universities. I shall put online such requests in order to favour this initiative. To this purpose I note that Russia is Country more advanced in activities of cultural tourism. One opens many possibilities of intellectual works particularly for women (hostess, teachers, a.s.a.) in museums of Saint Petersburg and Moscow.
I hope that example of Russia shall be follow by other countries.
To this purpose I‘ll give hospitality on my web-site to all Tour operators that wish to be better known between cultural men. Hundred fifty thousand students and teachers visit each year my web-site and all are interested to this quality of tourism.
Cultural tourism should have in all countries the same power of petrol but wants a politic class of high level.

Synthesis of cultural subjects of our age

Hundred fifty thousands hits each year from all over the world of students and teachers of Secondary schools and Universities for three messages on about existence and History supported by eighteen literary and historical, poetic and narrative books with corollaries of photo- books and photo-sceneries, communications and blogs and also a “permanent gallery of art“. Half million of files downloaded during four years.
The three messages are as follows.

- Freedom desperation as sense and engine of individual existence supported by five book as “Nuovo Umanesimo”, “Morale di Sartre”, “Appendice illuminista”, “Traduzione di ‘ Esquisse’ “ and “Infanzia svelata”.
- Heretics refusal (the contrary of “Cartesius’ Cogito”) like sense and engine of History supported by six books of Italian History.
- Generation betrayed as beginning of our age’s History (nobody sees the end) supported by five “pièces” of theatre-poetry and by two narrative works.

We have also an art gallery on about existential surrealism.
This is culture of our age in order to give a basis to new generation.
This is the web-site which divulgates such a culture between students and teachers of more than hundred countries of all the world.

Web-site is:

of Studies Centre New Humanism
Giovanna and Michael Augias

Photo-sceneries for students, teachers and cultural men

We are making photo-sceneries as prologues for conferences on about my books to students, teachers and cultural men.
The first four sceneries are already online and can be screened on You Tube and on others similar sites.
This four sceneries are prologues respectively ( in order ) of the book “ Infanzia svelata”, of “Nuovo Umanesimo”, of “Appendice al nuovo umanesimo” and of “ Morale di Sartre”.
As soon as possible I shall put online sceneries on about “ Generazione tradita” and “ Nascita della morale”, two pièces of Theatre- poetry.
Instead of conferences, to these prologues the reading of poems shall follow as e real pièce.
Again, as soon as possible, historical sceneries shall follow as prologues to histories of “Rifiuto dell’eretico” ( six books).
Our purpose is divulgate ever more a cultural subject who is the synthesis of culture of our age and who is the cultural basis for classic secondary schools and humanities Universities.
We have theorized new humanism and Sartre’s moral, we have discovered the new engine of History that is heretic’s refusal after the old interpretation of rationalism.
To end I discover in the generation betrayed the beginning of History of last half century.
I think so for Italy but the bishop of Nebraska discovered that all Countries (at least occidentals) have a generation betrayed. Consequently the rule becomes universal.

In order to realize democracy in Italy

I would be ridiculous if I pretend to teach democracy to French and English citizens. At contrary Italian men, who felt freedom’s desperation, have the duty to build democracy in Italy. In fact dictatorships more or less masked, devastated Italy for about a century. A graffito of ’68 said :” It shall die in the ridiculous and a laugh shall bury it”.
All can to begin narrating the subjective real life of characters who felt in this Country freedom’s desperation.
The subjective real life is basis and origin of History. Individual freedom, discovered by desperation, leads to democracy.
At contrary France and England will continue to give hospitality to Italian politic exiles. In Italy there is, perhaps, some French or English politic exile?

Freedom’s desperates

I already wrote elsewhere that I called “freedom’s desperates” the characters who distinguish themselves in my literary, historical, poetic and narrative books and others who succeeded to distinguish themselves during my life and whose I was witness.
Sartre speaks of anxiety and also of “nausea” face to unauthenticity . I felt desperation face to freedom lost or that I was to lose it. So I saw and suffered it in others who I met and whose I was witness. This is the sense that I give to freedom. Somebody gives his own. But all meet the same unsuppressible state of mind. Freedom’s sense is over life and death that are nothing without the freedom. Like two riders of Hegel, one beaten and the other winner. “Do you wish to be a live in slavery or to die in freedom?” Usually the bitten man chose to die. But free.

Elzevir on about “freedom”

When I hear Bossi and Berlusconi to speak of freedom, this makes me laugh. If, at contrary, I hear Ugo Ciappina, robber and martyr , to speak of freedom, I understand and feel what freedom is. Because I understand and feel desperation that such a man lived and suffered. Because only desperation reveals freedom. In fact I called “desperate of freedom” characters of my works because only with their desperation they divulgate on over all the world the idea of freedom, their desperate freedom.

Like Vicar of Seprio

Since about sixty years italian press and television interest themselves to Ugo Ciappina simulating to unknow politic reasons of his robberies. Not for chance we called him “robber and martyr”.
This obstinacy of italian press and televisions remembers the Vicar of Seprio who, after five centuries, made to respect order, during 1286, of Ottone Visconti don’t permit to build and to reside in Castelseprio.
And such a matter up to Napoleon who gave order to one of his sergents to provide.
This sergent, reached the Vicar into “Broletto” of Gallarate, made him shoot on the place without any explication.
Because none explication must be done to humanity’s enemies.
Italian press and television are not afraid not even of funny side.
Yet several American and South African Universities and Libraries discovered and reprinted out book “Contro” (i.e. history of Ugo Ciappina) in order to be available for students and teachers of all the world.
Yet, again, Pietro Valpreda, another martyr of our History, suggested, when he was alive, our book to several newspapers.
Such a book is now online and is downloaded regularly.

What is new humanism

Expression was coined during ’46 by Ferdinand Alquié learning that freedom’s man of irrationalist philosophies opposed to reason’s man of classic philosophy obliging Reason to a, surely noble, solitude. But Alquié goes over. Such a rampant irrationalism creates a “new humanism” which “better suitable to culture o our age”.
It is also true that Heidegger declared that irrationalism don’t deny the reason but searches essence of it.
It is also true, however, that Sartre declared that “existence, choice and freedom are synonymous” and that “existentialism is an humanism” where the “humanism” of Sartre has the same sense of “new humanism” of Alquié.
In fact, for Sartre, the man, fallen all values, remained alone and, “condemned to be free”, was he himself obliged to create himself as man and also his new values.
Consequently it is possible to deduce that new humanism is, firstly, search of new values.
Gaëtan Picon was the first populariser of expression coined by Alquié. His book “panorama des idées contemporanées”, edited during ’56, interested Libraries, Secundary schools and Universities.
It was, consequently necessary to do a second edition during ’68.From this moment New Humanism became the culture of our age.

New humanism and Sartre’s moral

We said that new humanism was, firstly, search o f new values. Fallen all values, man cannot create himself without create new values.
This is the reason of our search edited during ’79.
Also without intention, we introduced in Italy new humanism but, at the same time, we constated that the search wasn’t ended. The temple of Bramante has not dome. Moral conclusion was missing. And here is, some years after, and posthumous, the “cahiers” and the “carnets” by Sartre that declared only freedom was the basis of all values. Each value must speech itself in the freedom. It needs eight years of work and we put online our synthesis during ’90.
Now “new humanism and Sartre’s moral” is the “trade mark” of our website divulgated over all the world by all search-engines and directories also in China and India

New Humanism - After the fall

There is another aspect of new humanism which was during ’70s, the basis and the beginning of our search.
Fall of man wasn’t only crisis of positivism and of absolute values but, if one enters in the worldly History, was the man’s fall in the transcendence. Consequently new humanism isn’t other than the new ascent of man for reconquering his own humanity.
Such a subject was basis of our thesis of degree, a part of that we have put online with original title “L’infanzia svelata”.

"Eluana affair"

The problem is not life or death of Eluana. The problem is the freedom.
Only Eluana can chose to live or to die.
If somebody out, God or State, decide in her place, he should violate the most sacred of human rights, i.e. he should individual freedom of Eluana. In absence of a wrote declaration of Eluana, nobody can nothing decide.
Only Science could decide if it his able to have a scientiphic truth due to the fact that “Eluana is in a vegetative state for 17 years.
At this point there is a declaration of father on about the will of Eluana when she was alive.
True or false, decision is entrusted to Magistrature.
Various orders of judgement, besides that of supreme European Court of human rights, decide that declaration is true. Consequently the choice attributed to Eluana, i.e. her freedom, must be respected.
Discourse can to end here. Also life and death must be always reflected in the freedom.
Without freedom, life and death don’t have any sense.