Blog Etudes Augias English

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Appendix to the blog “In the name of Matteotti and University of Michigan” of May 1, 2008

With reference to the blog like the title ,I would specify that names of command of 207 Brigade Matteotti indicated into the book “Nel nome di Matteotti” edited by Franco Angeli Editore, derive from wrong informations.
I sent online unother bgook titled “Quei ventenni del ‘43” in which are specified the real names of Command that are as follows:
-Telmo Ferrario-commandant
-Bonisolo Marino (Romeo)-vice-commandant and politic commissary.
The Brigade was divcided in Detachments with a commandant and a vice-commandant.
I was vice-commandant of Detachment 212 of which Emilio Stanoppi was vcommandant.
It needs to remember that Brigade 207 freed from Germans the little town of Gallarate.
In my “pièce” of theatre-poetry “Generation betrayed and moral’s birth “ some poems are dedicated to this story.

The new industry

Today manufacture, textile or mecanic, is monopoli of third world and of under-developed Countries. When such Countries shall arrive to most high le3vel of ndevelopment , generations of that time shall be obliged to invent a new away to lead this work.
In order to aid humanity , it is not possibile to think sufficient the work of third world.
For worldly peace it is necessari t ogive a little of wellfair to all peoples.
Developed Countries must at contrary engage themselves in search and production of super-technologies not only for themselves but also for all the world.
It becomes necessary a work of general and new construction.
Many towns and countrysides are too old . They can die or esplode.

Agricolture and technologies

Sixty years ego the “Marche” (italian region) were a burne grownd without life. Now it is a picture of Cezanne .
Technologies applied to each stage of agricultural production made a miracle. It isen’t a miracle , but a method to be divulgated specially in the third world. Itr should be a care for misery of humanity.
America and France hold the powerful agricultures of world. It i sto them divulgation of technologies. It is known that the most part of irrigation’s systems is french. I constatated it, some years ego , in the”Porte de Versailles”, one3 of the most important agricultural fair of world.
But engagement for the third world is not sufficient. Each Country must develop at maximum technologies of its own agricolture in order to increase its production.

Bicycles in the town and cars outside the city

Parkings of bicycles are spread anywhere ion the town . Bicycles of municipalities are availables without expenses for ncitizens that can use and place them on arrival.
Everybody knows that workers of London and Paris go to work by bicycle.
Half of streets of towns and quarters is occupied by rails and the other half by cycle tracks. On the two sides pavements for pedestrians .
Cars are rarely present . They are reduced at necessary minimum. In interior, in the first morning, for downloading goods , in exterior for services and essential freights. A definitif stop to jams of avenues
Now Japanes are p5roducing on worldly level electr4ic batteries in oirder all motors are in the future electric , giving aq goodbye to pollution.